We wish to convey our sincere thanks for your unwavering support. It brings us great pleasure to inform you about the 1st International Hemp Conference set for September 24th (Tue) to 26th (Thu), 2024. Understanding your commitments, we sincerely invite you to join us.


Purpose of the Event:

The value of industrial hemp is widely recognized worldwide based on the concept of SDGs, and the development of hemp-related science and technology has become an important issue in Japan as well. Therefore, our association aims to promote international cooperation in this field by holding a large-scale international conference in Japan for the first time, with the main theme of the development of science and industry in hemp and cannabinoids. This conference will introduce cutting-edge research results on the industrial application of hemp and the medical application of cannabinoids. In addition, representatives of hemp-related associations from around the world, including European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), Alliance of European Flax-Linen & Hemp Federation, Thai Industrial Hemp Trade Association (TIHTA), National Industrial Hemp Council (NIHC) of USA, and Medical Cannabis Clinical Research Assosiation of Korea, will participate in the lectures and discussions on various topics.


Participating companies:

Hemp-related companies, related organizations, academia, pharmaceutical companies, and news media in Japan and overseas (U.S., Canada, Israel, Europe, Thailand, China, Korea, India, etc.)


Special Lecturer:

Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo Dr. Yusuke Nakamura

President, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition

Major Career

Graduated from Osaka University School of Medicine in 1977, he has led the field of “genomic medicine” by discovering genetic markers that are useful for treating diseases. He has served as Director and Professor at the Human Genome Analysis Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Director of the RIKEN Center for Genomic Medicine, Director of the National Cancer Center Research Institute, Director of the Cabinet Secretariat’s Medical Innovation Office, Professor of the Department of Hematology and Oncology and Deputy Director of the Center for Personalized Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine, Director of the Cancer Precision Medicine Research Center, Cancer Research Association, and has held his current position since 2022. He was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2004 and was selected as a Person of Cultural Merit in 2021. In 2020, he received the Clarivate Analytics Citation Laureate and was nominated as a Nobel Prize candidate in Physiology and Medicine.


Main Speakers:【Total Lectures 36】

Yusuke Nakamura (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)

Futoshi Taura (Professor, Iwate Medical University)

Fumitaka Kimura (Professor, Jikei University of Medical Science)

Wataru Ochiai (Professor, Hoshi University)

Daisuke Matsushima (Professor, Kanazawa University)

Hitoshi Sato (Professor, Showa University)

Choi RakWon(President of Medical Cannabis Clinical Reseach Association, Korea)

Patrick Collins (Professor Emeritus, Azabu University)

Manabu Kayama(Managing Director, Japan Bast Fiber Association)

Micheal Bobrobe(Representative of MAJIC, Japan)

Patrick Atagi (NIHCA President)

Lorenza Romanese (EIHA Managing Director)

Marie-Emmanuelle Belzung (General Delegate of the Alliance of European Flax-Linen & Hemp Association President)

Kwanchai Visithanon (Director of Traditional Medicine Department, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand),

Pornchai Padmindra (President of TiHTA)

Lawrence Ji (CEO of Essentia Scientific, USA)

Gomathi Chan (Gilson Inc., France)

etc. (in no particular order, titles omitted)



The 1st International Hemp Conference flyer:

The 1st Tokyo International Hemp Conference


Lecture Program:

The 1st Tokyo International Hemp Conference Main theme: “Advances of Hemp/Cannabinoid Sciences and Industries” Program


Application Detiels:

Sep 24 2024 12:30pm-6:30pm

Sep 25 2024   9:00am-6:30pm

Sep 26 2024   9:00am-6:00pm

Banquet on the last day from 6:30pm to 8:30pm(10,000JPY)

Venue:2F Exhibition Hall North, Tokyo Port City Takeshiba, 1-7-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-7501


Format: Capacity of 400 participants at the venue (first-come-first-served basis) Reservations required/No online event


Participation Fee:

Application and transfer period: [Early bird discount period] May 10 – Jul 31


Ticket No.1  Conference only:22,000 JPY

Ticket No.2 Conference and Banquet:32,000 JPY


Ticket No.3 Conference only:33,000 JPY

Ticket No.4 Conference and Banquet:43,000 JPY

(On-demand viewing is the same price.)

Regular application period Aug 1 – Sep 20


Conference only:33,000JPY

Conference and Banquet:43,000 JPY


Conference only:44,000 JPY

Conference and Banquet:54,000 JPY

(On-demand viewing is the same price.)


Application Form:


※One application is designated for each person. If you wish to apply for multiple individuals, please indicate the number of applicants.


Contact us:
